Duration: 35 minutes Brief: A challenging strength-building workout to kick off your weekend.
Focus: Full-Body Strength & Metabolic Conditioning
Warm-Up (6 minutes)
Kettlebell Halo March (1 min) - Hold KB at chest, march in place while circling KB around head
Dumbbell Deadlift to Upright Row (1 min) - Full ROM hinge to standing row)
Lateral Lunge to Overhead Press (30 sec/side) - Use single DB/KB
Strength Circuit: Triple Threat+ Complex (20 minutes)
3 rounds:
Kettlebell Clean + Squat + Press (8/side)
Explosive triple-threat movementSubstitute: DB Snatch (12/side)
Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift (10/side) - Hold KB/DB in the opposite hand
Renegade Row Push-Up (10 total) - KB/DB in hands, row after each push-up.Do push-ups + shoulder taps on both sides if the renegade rows are too challenging.
Goblet Squat to Curl (12 reps) - Hold KB/DB at chest, squat then curl
Finisher: 5-Minute Core Crusher
EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute):
Min 1: 15 Russian Twists (hold KB/DB)
Min 2: 10 V-Ups
Min 3: 20 Sec Hollow Body Hold
Min 4: 15 Dead Bugs (hold KB overhead)
Min 5: Max Rep KB/DB Sit-Ups
Cool-Down (5 minutes)
Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch (30 sec/side) - Hold KB/DB for added tension
Thread the Needle (30 sec/side)
Standing Forward Fold Pulse (1 min)
Pro Tip: Pair this with 10 minutes of post-workout yoga flows (child's pose → downward dog) to enhance recovery before Sunday's rest day (if you chose it to be a rest day).
WELL DONE! YOU SMASHED IT. NOW GET THE BRAGGING RIGHTS ON SOCIAL. COPY AND PASTE: I just smashed today's workout from dailyfreeworkout.com! #dailyfreeworkout