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Thursday Core & Stability Surge

Date: Thursday, March 6, 2025

Duration: 40 minutes

Focus: Core stability, endurance, and functional strengthEquipment: Kettlebell, dumbbell, bodyweight

Warm-Up (10 minutes)

  1. Arm Circles (30 sec forward/30 sec backward) – Demo

  2. Bodyweight Squats (1 minute) – Demo

  3. Dynamic Inchworm to Spiderman Lunge (1 minute) – Demo

  4. Leg Swings (30 sec/side) – Demo


Main Workout: Core & Carry Circuit (25 minutes)


3 rounds | 45 sec work / 15 sec rest:

Circuit 1: Core & Stability

  1. Russian Twists (20 total) – Demo

  2. Renegade Rows (10 total) – Demo

  3. Kettlebell Front Rack March (20 steps) – Demo 

Circuit 2: Endurance Blitz

  1. Dumbbell Alternating Lunges (12/side) – Demo

  2. Mountain Climber Twists (30 sec) – Demo

  3. Hollow Body Hold Pulses (30 sec) – Demo 

Rest 60 seconds between circuits. 

Optional Advanced Tier: The Crucible (5 minutes) 

  1. Weighted Burpees (8 reps – hold KB/DB) – Demo

  2. Single-Arm Kettlebell Snatch (10/side) – Demo 

Finisher: Core Burner AMRAP (5 minutes) 

As Many Rounds As Possible: 

  • 10 Kettlebell Swings – Demo

  • 15 Mountain Climbers – Demo 

Cool-Down (10 minutes) 

  1. Child’s Pose → Thread the Needle (1 min/side) – Demo

  2. Seated Forward Fold (1 min) – Demo

  3. Standing Quad Stretch (30 sec/side) – Demo

  4. Box Breathing (2 min) – Demo 

Focus & Benefits 

  • Core Stability: Targets obliques, transverse abdominis, and lower back with anti-rotation drills.

  • Functional Strength: Combines carries and lunges to mimic real-world movement patterns.

  • Endurance: High-rep finisher boosts cardiovascular stamina (burns 300-400kcal).

Pro Tip: Post-workout, blend a green smoothie with spinach, pineapple, and chia seeds. The bromelain in pineapple reduces inflammation, and chia seeds replenish omega-3s for joint health.

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