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Thunderstruck Thursday! - 13th February, 2025

Before starting this workout, please read our disclaimer here to ensure your safety and understanding of the risks involved.

Warm-Up (6 minutes) 

  1. Jumping jacks (1 minute

  2. Kettlebell deadlift to upright row (1 minute) [Alternative: Bodyweight good mornings]

  3. Lateral lunges (30 sec/side)

  4. Bear crawl (1 minute)

  5. Wall angels (1 minute)


Main Workout (18 minutes) 

3 rounds of: 

  1. Kettlebell clean + press (10/side) [Alternative: Burpee + jump)

  2. Renegade rows (12 total) [Alternative: Plank shoulder taps]

  3. Kettlebell front rack march (20 steps) [Alternative: Bodyweight duck walk]

  4. Plyo push-ups (10 reps) [Alternative: Incline push-ups]

  5. Single-leg Romanian deadlift (8/side) [Alternative: Bodyweight balance reach


Fitness Game: Thunderstruck Plank-to-push-up challenge Play AC/DC’s epic classic tune Thunderstruck.Get into a high plank position from the start of the song – Every time you hear the word “Thunder” do a single press up and return to the plank position and hold until you “Thunder” again.


How far through the song can you get? Let us know by sharing your time online using the hashtag #dailyfreeworkout 

Cool-Down (3 minutes)

  1. Thread the needle (30 sec/side)

  2. Kneeling hip flexor stretch (30 sec/side)

  3. Seated forward fold (1 minute) 

Pro Tip: Boost recovery by adding two minutes of loaded beast spine waves post-cool-down - improves mobility and burns extra calories. WELL DONE!YOU SMASHED IT. NOW GET THE BRAGGING RIGHTS ON SOCIAL: COPY AND PASTE: I just smashed today's workout from! #dailyfreeworkout

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