Duration: 26 minutes
Warm-Up (4 minutes)
High knees + arm circles (30 sec)
Bodyweight squats with side taps (20 reps)
Partner push-up high-five (10 reps alternating)
Dynamic hip openers (30 sec/side)
Main Workout: "Love & Lunge Circuit" (18 minutes)
3 rounds, 45 sec work/15 sec rest per exercise
Cupid’s Squat Hold to JumpHold squat 5 sec, explode into jumpSubstitute: Pulse squats for low impact
Partner Push-Up High FivesSync push-ups, high-five at topSolo option: Tap the wall at top
Deadlift to Bicep Curl (Dumbbells/Kettlebells)12 reps combo move
Partner med ball sit-upSit ups opposite your partner passing ball or medicine ball at the top of the movement.
Lunge With a TwistReverse lunge with medicine ball twist
Finisher: "Till Death Do Us Burpee" (4 minutes)
3-minute AMRAP:
10 burpees with partner high-five
15 Russian twists (shared med ball)
Cool-Down (5 minutes)
Chest opener hold (30 sec)
Seated forward fold (30 sec/side)
Partner-assisted figure-four stretch (45 sec/side)
Pro Tip: Combine strength and cardio in circuit formats (like this workout) to boost EPOC - burning 25% more calories post-workout compared to steady-state cardio